License agreement

This license agreement (hereinafter, the "Agreement") is entered into between the Juristas.MX service (hereinafter, the "Licensor") and the Internet User (any individual, sole proprietor or legal entity) (hereinafter, the "User") of the software "website Juristas.MX" (hereinafter, the "Site"). The Site is available on the Internet at the address and is a software program in the form of an online platform (marketplace) that allows customers to place orders for legal services and search for lawyers (service providers), and lawyers to find clients and provide legal services, including online services.

Before using the Site and the associated software, please carefully read the terms of this Agreement. From the moment the User begins to use the Site or its functions, or has completed the registration process, the Agreement comes into effect, and the User is considered to have accepted the terms of the Agreement, as well as the terms of all the documents mentioned below, in their entirety, without any reservation or exception. If you do not accept the terms of this Agreement, you will not be able to use the Site.

By using the Site, the User agrees that the following documents are integral parts of this Agreement:

The documents mentioned above (including any of their parts) may be modified by the Copyright Holder unilaterally and without prior notice, and the new versions of the documents will come into effect from their publication unless the new versions of the documents state otherwise.

This Agreement and all related relationships concerning the use of the Program are governed by the law of México. Any claim or demand arising from this Agreement or the use of the Program must be filed and considered by the competent court in the place of residence of the Copyright Holder.

User Terms and Conditions

The following terminology applies to this Agreement:

  • User: Visitor to the Site who has begun to use the Site or its functions, or has completed the registration process as a Client or Specialist.
  • Specialist: User registered on the Site with a lawyer, attorney, or legal firm account.
  • Client: User registered on the Site with a "client" account.
  • Licensor (or Administration): Owner of the Juristas.MX project.

1. User Agreement Status

This User Agreement has been developed by the Site Administration and sets forth the terms of use and development of the Site, as well as the rights and obligations of its Users and the Administration. The provisions of this User Agreement also apply to relationships related to the rights and interests of third parties who are not Users of the Site but whose rights and interests may be affected by the actions of the Site's Users.

This User Agreement is a legally binding agreement between the User and the Site Administration, the subject of which is the provision of services by the Site Administration to the User for the use of the Site and its services (hereinafter, the "Services"). In addition to this User Agreement, all special documents that regulate the provision of specific services of the Site and are located in the corresponding sections of the Site on the Internet form part of the agreement between the User and the Site Administration.

The User must carefully read this User Agreement before registering on the Site. The User's registration on the Site implies full and unconditional acceptance of this User Agreement.

This User Agreement may be modified and/or supplemented by the Site Administration unilaterally and without prior notice. This User Agreement is an open and publicly accessible document. The current version of the User Agreement is located on the Internet at the address:

The Site Administration recommends that Users regularly check the terms of this User Agreement to see if it has been modified and/or supplemented. Continued use of the Site by the User after modifications and/or additions to this User Agreement implies acceptance and consent of the User to such modifications and/or additions.

2. Status of the Juristas.MX Site

2.1. The Juristas.MX Site is an online resource consisting of information and software located in the information system, providing access to such information on the network through the web address

2.2. All rights to the Site as a whole and the use of the web address (domain name) belong to the Site Administration. The latter provides access to the Site to all interested parties in accordance with this Agreement and the current legislation of México.

2.3. This Agreement sets forth the conditions under which the rights to use information and the results of intellectual activity (including, among others, literary, musical, audiovisual and phonogram works, graphic and design works, photographic works, and software) in individual sections of the Site may belong to the Site's Users and other persons who have created and/or posted such items on the Site without the direct participation of the Site Administration.

2.4. The Site Administration grants registered Users the right to use the Site's functions to facilitate interaction between the Client and the Specialist, including the provision of legal services by the Specialist to the Client. The Site Administration has the right to set different rates for the exercise of such a right for different Users.

2.5. By using the Site's software, the User agrees that some free consultations may be provided automatically using software based on machine learning technologies and neural networks (hereinafter, "Software"). The text of the consultation, which is the result of the Software's work, is informative in nature.

2.6. The Software mentioned in section 2.5 of this Agreement is provided "as is" (as is). The Site Administration does not offer any warranty regarding the error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Software or its components and/or individual functions, the suitability of the Software for specific purposes and expectations of the User, the truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the consultations provided through the Software, nor does it offer any other warranty not expressly indicated in this Agreement.

2.7. The Site Administration is not responsible for the direct or indirect consequences of any use or inability to use the Software and/or any damage caused to the User and/or third parties as a result of any use, non-use, or inability to use the Software or components

3. Administration of the Juristas.MX Site

3.1. Inquiries, proposals, complaints, and other requests from individuals and legal entities to the Site Administration related to this Agreement or the operation of the Site, as well as requests from authorized state authorities, can be sent to the email address [email protected].

3.2. Regarding the operation and development of the Site, the Administration is governed by the legislation of México, this User Agreement, and other special documents that the Site Administration has developed or may develop and adopt to regulate the provision of specific services of the Site to Users.

3.3. No provision of this Agreement grants the User the right to use the trade name, trademarks, domain names, or other distinctive signs of the Site Administration. The right to use the trade name, trademarks, domain names, or other distinctive signs of the Site Administration can only be granted by a written agreement with the Site Administration.

3.4. The relationships established in this Agreement between the Site Administration and the Specialist registered on the Site are not of a labor nature. The Site Administration cannot be considered the employer of the Specialists registered on the Site. This User Agreement does not constitute a public offer to enter into labor relations.

4. User Registration on the Site

4.1. To use the Juristas.MX Site, you agree to provide truthful and complete information about yourself in the Registration Form fields and in your Personal Account, and to keep this information up to date. If you provide incorrect information or if the Administration has reasonable grounds to believe that the information provided is incomplete or inaccurate, the Administration has the right to block or delete your account and restrict your access to certain functions of the Site. The Administration reserves the right to request at any time confirmation of the data provided by you during registration and to request supporting documents, the lack of which, at the discretion of the Administration, may be equated with the provision of false information and have the corresponding consequences.

4.2. The User is obliged, at the request of the Site Administration, to provide documents confirming their legal status and the data provided by the User during registration on the Site. In case of failure to provide or providing only part of the supporting documents by the User, the Site Administration reserves the right to refuse registration on the Site or register the User under a different type of registration than declared by the User during registration.

4.3. By accepting this Agreement by registering on the Site, the User confirms their consent to the processing by the Administration of their personal data provided during registration, as well as those that the User voluntarily places on their personal page. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of México. The Site Administration processes the User's personal data for the purpose of providing services to the User, including receiving targeted (personalized) advertising; verification, research, and analysis of such data to maintain and improve the services and sections of the Site, as well as to develop new services and sections of the Site. The Site Administration takes all necessary measures to protect the User's personal data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. The Administration provides access to the User's personal data only to those employees, contractors, and agents of the Administration who need this information to ensure the operation of the Site and the provision of services to the User. The Site Administration may use the information provided by the User, including personal data, to comply with the requirements of the current legislation of México (including the prevention and/or suppression of illegal and/or unlawful actions by Users). The disclosure of the information provided by the User will only be made in accordance with the current legislation of México at the request of a court, law enforcement authorities, and in other cases provided for by the legislation of México.

5. Financial Relations

5.1. The paid services provided by the Site to individuals and organizations are regulated by this agreement.

5.2. The Site Administration does not act as a representative of either the Clients who post their questions on the Site and request personal consultations, or the Specialists who answer questions or personal consultations, therefore, it cannot be held responsible for any financial obligations arising between them.

5.3. In case of disputes, the Site Administration acts as an arbitrator and resolves the problem in favor of the client or specialist after fully considering the disputed situation.

5.4. The Site Administration provides Clients with extensive quality, confidentiality, and security guarantees, the content of which is located at However, the money-back guarantee for the service is provided to Clients only once. In other cases, refund requests for a service with which the Client is not satisfied are considered individually by the Administration. Such requests from clients are satisfied if the Administration considers that the service was provided inadequately, contains a legal error, or other violations during the provision of the service.

The refund will be made if more than 7 working days have passed since the publication of the paid question and none of the lawyers have provided advice, or if none of the advice provided turns out to be useful.

5.5. The Specialist registered on the Site independently determines the cost of the services provided to Clients and agrees to pay in favor of the Site Administration a fixed part of the amount of the services provided to Clients. The size of this part is determined in percentage terms and is set individually for each Specialist, but if not agreed otherwise, it is considered default as thirty percent of the cost of each service provided by the Specialist to the Client using the functionality of the Site. Payment of the lawyer's right to use the Site is made automatically by deducting the corresponding amount from the cost of the legal services provided by the lawyer.

5.6. Payment for the services provided by the Specialist on the Site is made through a banking payment service provided by third parties. The Site Administration is not the source of payments concerning the Specialist. The Site Administration does not act as the Specialist's tax agent in relation to the relationships arising based on this Agreement.

6. Terms on Intellectual Property Rights

6.1. Exclusive Rights to Content Posted on the Site.

6.1.1. All elements posted on the Site, including design elements, text, graphic images, illustrations, videos, scripts, programs, and other elements and their compilations (hereinafter, the "Content"), are objects of exclusive rights of the Administration, Site Users, and other rights holders. All rights to these objects are protected.

6.1.2. Except in the cases provided for in these Terms and Conditions, as well as in the applicable legislation of México, no Content may be copied (reproduced), modified, distributed, displayed in a frame, published, downloaded, transmitted, sold, or used in any other way, either in whole or in part, without the prior permission of the rights holder, unless the rights holder has expressly consented to the free use of the Content by any person.

6.1.3. By posting their legally owned Content on the Site (including, but not limited to, legal question texts, legal consultations, contracts), the User grants other Users a non-exclusive right to use it by viewing, reproducing (including copying), modifying (including printing copies), and other rights exclusively for personal non-commercial purposes, except when such use causes or may cause harm to the interests protected by law of the rights holder.

6.1.4. The User may use the Content to which they have access only for personal non-commercial use, provided that all authorship marks (copyright) or other authorship notices are preserved, the author's name is left unchanged, and the work is kept unmodified.

6.1.5. Apart from their own Content, the User has no right to upload or make public on the Site content from other websites, databases, or other results of intellectual activities without the express consent of the rights holder to carry out such actions.

6.1.6. Any use of the Site or Content, except as permitted in these Terms and Conditions or in the case of the express consent of the rights holder to such use, is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of the rights holder.

6.1.7. Unless expressly stated otherwise in these Terms and Conditions, nothing in these Terms and Conditions may be considered as a transfer of exclusive rights to the Content.

6.2. Liability for Violation of Exclusive Rights.

6.2.1. The User is personally responsible for any Content or other information that they upload or make public on the Site or through its use. The User has no right to upload, transmit, or publish Content on the Site if they do not possess the corresponding rights to carry out such actions, acquired or transferred in accordance with the legislation of México.

6.2.2. The Site Administration may, but is not obliged to, review the Site for prohibited Content and may delete or move (without prior notice) any Content or Users at its sole discretion, for any reason or without reason, including, without limitation, moving or deleting Content that, in the judgment of the Administration, violates these Terms and Conditions, the legislation of México, and/or may violate the rights, cause harm, or threaten the safety of other Users or third parties.

6.2.3. By posting their Content on the Site, the User grants the Administration the right to make copies of their Content in order to organize and facilitate the posting and storage of the User's Content on the Site.

6.2.4. By posting their Content (including, but not limited to, legal question texts, legal consultations, contracts) in any part of the Site, the User automatically grants the Administration a non-exclusive, perpetual, and free right to copy, publicly perform, reproduce, modify, translate, and distribute for the purposes of the Site or in connection with it, including its promotion. For these purposes, the Administration may create derivative works or incorporate the User's Content as integral parts into corresponding collections, perform other actions that contribute to achieving these purposes.

6. Terms on Third-Party Websites and Content

6.3. Third-Party Websites and Content.

6.3.1. The Site may contain links to other websites on the Internet (third-party websites), as well as articles, photographs, illustrations, graphic images, information, applications, programs, and other content belonging to or originating from third parties (third-party content) that are the result of intellectual activities and are protected in accordance with the legislation of México.

6.3.2. The aforementioned third parties and their content are not checked by the Administration for compliance with any requirements (truthfulness, completeness, good faith, etc.). The Administration is not responsible for any information posted on third-party websites to which the User accesses through the Site or through third-party content, including, among others, any opinions or statements expressed on third-party websites or in their content.

6.3.3. Links or guides provided on the Site for downloading files and/or installing third-party programs do not imply endorsement or approval of such actions by the Administration.

6.3.4. Links to any website, product, service, or information of a commercial or non-commercial nature posted on the Site do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of such products (services) by the Administration.

6.3.5. If the User decides to leave the Site and access third-party websites or use or install third-party programs, they do so at their own risk, and from that moment on, these Terms and Conditions no longer apply to the User. From then on, the User must be guided by the applicable rules and policies, including business practices, of the persons whose content they intend to use.

7. Final Provisions

7.1. In case of doubts about the legality of the use of the Site by the User, the Administration may, at any time and at its sole discretion, delete, block, or modify the information of the accounts of such Users without prior notice.

7.2. In case of information about the use of the User's account information (User's employees) by other Users of the Site, the Administration may, at any time and at its sole discretion, delete, block, or modify the information of the accounts of such Users without prior notice.

7.3 We do not provide services:
 - Law firms collecting funds for purposes other than legal service fee payment
 - Bankruptcy attorneys
 - Bail bonds

We do not provide Predatory mortgage consulting, lending, credit repair and counseling services.

Effective from February 8, 2019.